Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Reading, Writing & Arithmetic!

Every afternoon while Eve is taking her afternoon nap, Jack and I have some time together.  I treasure this special time with Jack.  We dedicate some of our time working on reading, writing and math.  Jack is doing an amazing job reading, writing words and sentences and adding numbers up to 10.  Here are some quick pictures that I took of Jack this afternoon as he was finishing math and after he wrote his name...    



  1. Jack, what good work! Your letters are so carefully made and so easy to read. Your math gets a big smile and a comment "Hooray!"
    You are a smart student and Mommy is terrific teacher.

    Love and hugs,


  2. Oh Goodness--Jack!

    What a hard worker and what an incredible learner! It warms my Maddy~heart to see this work!

    I love so~much how you have 'special' time with all of your children, Rebecca. Eve when her sister and brother are in school. Jack during Eve's nap time. And, Grace, in the evenings. How wonderful!

    Loving all of the teaching and learning going on,

    ps...Dad & I are getting a kick out of Jack using a National Bank of Middlebury pencil--what is Bob saying about that?!!
