Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Halloween Fine Motor Activity: Making a Jack-o'-lantern Mask!

Eve's tiny hands worked so hard to make a jack-o'-lantern pumpkin mask.  First, Eve cut out tiny pieces of orange construction paper.  Eve loves to use scissors so she was quite excited to make this Halloween project!

After Eve cut the pieces of orange paper, she glued them onto a paper plate to make her pumpkin.  Eve chose triangle eyes, a triangle nose and asked for a smile with "five teeth" for her jack-o'-lantern.  After gluing on the features Eve laughed and told me that she wanted to name her pumpkin "Jack!"

Here is Eve's finished "Jack."  Isn't he cute?!!  :) 


  1. Soooo cute! What work Eve undertook, lots and lots of cutting and pasting, but the end result is well worth all the effort and time. Great mask, Eve,
    and adding the five teeth was a clever idea, and naming it Jack was perfect. Way to go, Eve!

    More love than all the triangles in the world,

  2. I really like the orange color! It's my favorite color and I think it's also your great aunt Melinda's favorite color.

    I hope the real Jack liked meeting the pumpkin Jack.

    Eve, you have quite the artistic talent.

    Love, Poppy


  3. I just love Little Butter bean so-so much. Love seeing those tiny hands of her's working so hard and that face, oh my!

    Gosh, I'm really missing Grace, Jack, and Eve lots.

    Look for a big box of Halloween costumes to arrive in a few days. Crossing my fingers (and toes) that everything fits this this year...lots of parts!

    Enjoy this 'still' warm October.

    Love to Everyone,
