Tuesday, July 2, 2013


We have been hearing lots of tiny chirps from the baby swallow birds inside of this bird house, which hangs from our front porch.  The mama bird was quite busy this morning flying to and from the nest to feed all of her hungry babies!   


  1. The Mama Bird is just like you, Rebecca, working so hard with her babies and feeding her ever-hungry peeps!!

    I Love You, Mom

    ps--what a GREAT photo!

  2. The ALWAYS hungry peeps!!!!!! :)

  3. How nature is different but the same! Always hungry little ones, and always the parents looking for ways to assuage their hunger.

    You all must be very attentive and protective of your little feathered neighbors. They will be quite different in another week.

    Love to all and wishes for fun, fun, fun.
