Friday, May 17, 2013

Clam Digging

Clam digging is a North American term for a common way to harvest clams from below the surface of tidal sand flats.  Commercial digging is referred to as clamming and it is done by a clammer.  One warmer spring day back in April we went to the beach near our home.  Grace, Jack and Eve were immediately drawn to two clammers working to find clams along the shoreline.  Although the clammers did not speak any English they were able to teach Grace, Jack and Eve to clam by demonstrating how it was done and by graciously sharing their tools with my children.  It was a joy for me to watch Grace, Jack and Eve working side by side with the clammers, the five of them only exchanging smiles as they all worked together.
Grace and Jack working with the clammers

Grace & Jack clamming together
 Jack clamming

Grace clamming

Jack, Eve & Grace practicing their newly learned clamming skills!

Eve clamming


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Making Dandelion Flower Tea

Today we picked dandelions from our yard to make dandelion tea.  I just love the sprinkling of the yellow dandelions in our back yard, although I don't think Bob shares my enthusiasm for this flower/weed!!!  To make dandelion flower tea we picked handfuls of dandelions and put them into colanders.  After thoroughly washing the dandelions we pulled the petals away from the base of the flower and placed the petals into cups of water.  We are soaking the petals over night and tomorrow we will pass the flower tea through a strainer, heat the water and add a little bit of honey to sweeten our dandelion tea.  Here are some pictures of Grace, Jack and Eve picking the dandelions.  Jack and Eve decided to dress up as giraffes to make this experience all the more fun!  ;)



Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Dandelion flower print
Today I celebrated the greatest joys in my life - Grace, Jack and Eve.  My goodness, I just love being their mama.

Today I also celebrated a true treasure in my life - my own Mom, who I love and admire more than any words could ever express.

Today I celebrated my mother-in-law, who raised such a kind and caring son and for that I thank her so very much.

Today I also celebrated all of truly amazing mothers of our world and wish them all a very Happy Mother's Day.  I hope you all found unexpected joys and laughter in surprising places today!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dress Rehearsal

Grace had her first dress rehearsal this week to get ready for her dance recital, which is next Saturday!  This is Grace's second year with the Maine State Ballet.  This past year Grace has taken ballet and tap.  Her class will be dancing a tap dance number to the song "Broadway Baby" at the recital.  All of the girls were SO excited this past week to wear their costumes for the first time while performing at the Maine State Ballet's practice stage room.  I have always loved watching Grace dance and I can't wait to see her on the big stage next Saturday!

Prior to dancing, Grace's class had professional pictures taken.  This picture shows Grace's costume as she takes a peek into the picture room!

Grace is all smiles as she waits for her picture.  I will be sure to post many more pictures of our graceful Grace at her last dress rehearsal and of recital day!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Dandelion Flower Prints

Oh, how I love this spring tradition of ours.
Next week we are going to make dandelion juice!
Click HERE to learn about the health benefits of dandelions.

Picking Dandelions

Eve picked all of the dandelions for our dandelion flower prints this year.  Eve very daintily walked all around our yard until she found the perfect dandelion patch.  Eve surrounded herself with dandelions and enjoyed every moment as she filled her basket with these yellow gems.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Every spring we can't wait for the dandelions.  We have been making dandelion flower prints for the past five years now!  More pictures coming soon.  :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Eve's Tea Party

Eve loves her baby dolls.  Her two favorite babies are Lulu and Anna (both are pictured above).  Eve set up this lovely tea party for Lulu and Anna the other morning.  Eve set the table all by herself and chose watermelon and carrot slices to eat at her party!

More From our May Day Celebration at Broadturn Farm

 Grace, Jack and Eve painting with watercolors

 Grace's rainbow painting

Grace and Eve painting with Bob, Heather and her husband Shane in the background
(Heather and Shane are expecting their first baby in just a few short's a boy!)

Jack and Heather

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Maypole Dance

We attended Broadturn Farm's May Day Celebration on Sunday.  In the picture above Grace, Jack and Eve are listening to farmer John explain what the Maypole represents.

Grace and Eve performing the Maypole dance.

Jack and Shane 
(Bob's cousin Heather and her husband Shane were visiting and they attended the May Day celebration with us.)

Eve holding on to one of the Maypole ribbons.

Grace holding on to one of the Maypole ribbons.

The finished Maypole....wishing  Broadturn Farm a plentiful harvest this year!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May Day

 More pictures of our May Day celebration later...