Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Earth Day Activity -- Helping to Build Garden Beds

We participated in an Earth Day activity on Sunday afternoon.  We went to Grace's school to help build raised garden beds in an area that will be easily accessible to all of the students there!  Grace, Jack and Eve helped transfer soil and wood over to the garden site, fill in the garden beds and paint them.  I am so happy that our family was able to be part of this process - it was a wonderful lesson in respecting the environment and showing pride in one's school.  A perfect way to celebrate Earth Day.

Eve did such a great job pouring soil from her wheelbarrow into one of the garden bed areas!

Jack was such a huge helper in transporting the soil to the garden bed areas!

Here is Grace carrying some of the wood used to build the garden beds.

Such a strong girl!

Here are Grace and Jack helping to paint one of the garden beds!

Jack and Eve painting together!


  1. Loving how your family spent this day together. I know how your children love to be outdoors, and helping, and working! Grace, Jack, and Eve must have been so helpful and full of wonder as they helped to build these raised garden beds at school. What a perfect way to gather for Earth Day!

    Love, Maddy


  2. Wondering if the paint came out of the Middlebury Natural Food Co-Op tee shirts?

    If not then I will purchase more for our week in July! It's always a good-thing to have shirts with paint on them to wear the next time painting is involved. I always like to keep one just for that reason.

    Love, Mom
