Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sensory Play: Snow Dough

Since nearly all of our snow has melted outside over the past two days, we made our own snow inside this morning!  Making snow dough is very quick and easy and it is so much fun!  Here is the recipe that Jack used:

4 cups of flour
1/2 cup of lavender scented baby oil

Simply mix the flour and oil together and have fun with the soft, silky and smooth texture of the dough (and it smells wonderful too)!


  1. What a deliciously cute, cute Jack! And, what a great recipe for snow dough. I know that Jack loves lavender so this must have been extra fun to play with.

    I want to make some when I come for a visit for I love dough and lavender, too. Can you make up a batch for us, Jack? It's only a few more weeks until school vacation!

    I Love You, my sweet & handsome boy,

  2. Fun time, breathing in tranquility, and getting those hands conditioned as well. All good.

