Monday, January 14, 2013

Green Smoothies!

I have been making green smoothies nearly every day for my children since they were babies!  Over the years I have experimented with a variety of combinations of fruits and vegetables.  Making smoothies is such an easy way to ensure that my children get in their daily servings of fruits and vegetables....oh, and they taste great too! 

Here is my smoothie recipe:
  • 4 bananas
  • 1 ten ounce package of frozen organic strawberries (fresh when in season)
  • A cup or so of any other fruit I have on hand - usually blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, kiwi or pineapple
  • 3 very big handfuls of organic kale (I figure one big handful for each of my three children!).  If I run out of kale I use organic spinach -- fresh or frozen.
  • 2 tablespoons of Chia seeds
  • 1 four ounce container of yogurt or keifer 
  • Sometimes I also add a little flaxseed or wheat germ 

Blend it all together and enjoy!

Grace, Jack and Eve each get an eight ounce canning jar full of smoothie at breakfast and dinner.  At dinnertime I also add probiotics (I use the RAW Probiotics Kids by Garden of Life brand) to their smoothie for an extra immunity boost. staying healthy this season!



  1. These two pictures of Eve have to be amongst the sweetest and cutest ever! Love Eve so much.

    Thank you for sharing this incredible recipe, Rebecca!
    I love all of your recipes. I hear and read about green smoothies all the time and variations on the recipe. Yours is the best one yet...most of them say to add ice cubes to the mixture. Nothing watering down this for your children!!

    Dad asked if Chia seeds are like the Chia Pets. You know, the heads that grow that green grass-like hair mostly found in stores around Christmastime! That Dad!!

    Thank you again for sharing. And, YES, to everyone staying healthy and far away from that awful flu we are all hearing about.

    Love, Happiness, and Health,

  2. I burst out laughing when I read your comment because YES, Dad is right! They are the same seeds that grow that grassy hair! I just found that out last week.

    Ch-ch-ch-chia! :)

  3. Thank you for this tasty, vitamin rich, immunity boosting drink recipe. A classic. Here's to you and to your health and that of your family.


  4. Thank you for this tasty, vitamin rich, immunity boosting drink recipe. A classic. Here's to you and to your health and that of your family.

