Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Clementines + Cloves = Fragrant Thanksgiving Pomanders

Grace made clementine pomander balls to give as Thanksgiving gifts for her teachers at school.  The beautiful citrus-spice smell warmed our house as Grace was making them and the pomanders serve as a beautiful decoration on any Thanksgiving table.    


  1. Oh, that amazing girl! Grace has loved making pomanders since she was tiny. There is nothing like that smell! What a very, very sweet gift for her teachers.

    Rebecca, what beautiful photography! You captured Grace and her "Graceness" in just the perfect light! It is all so stunning! Your dining room looks just like Thanksgiving. I cannot wait to see it!

    Love and full of thankfulness,

  2. They are lovely. Each a different design, artistically unique. Grace's teachers must have been very touched and appreciative.

    Your Thanksgiving/Blessing Tree is weighted with much gratefulness. Your hearts are full. Wondrous!

    My heart overflows with gratitude and love for each of you,
