Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pumpkins & Cows at Pineland Farms

After Jack and Eve carved their pumpkins at Pineland Farms, the highlight of our day there was walking to the cow barn to feed the cows a big treat -- the pulp from inside of our carved pumpkins!  The cows were delighted to receive such a sweet treat and Jack and Eve always love spending time with their cow friends.  Here are some pictures from our time there...


  1. Loving these beautiful children. I never knew cows liked pumpkin! What a great time Jack and Eve are having together while Gracie is at 'work'! They must have so much to tell her at the end of the day and she must have so much to tell them at the end of her day!! I can only imagine the great sharings that happen.

    How grown up Jack looks these days and how sweet Eve is.

    Love to all forever and ever more,

    ps...that last photo should be sent to the farm, Rebecca, they would LOVE it!

  2. I can't help but notice how cute Jack is in a look-alike, Uncle Adam shirt!!
