Thursday, March 8, 2012

A very good reason for the lack of posts...

...spring has sprung - at least for a few days this week! We have been enjoying every moment of some spring-like temperatures around here and we have celebrated this by spending our days outside from beginning to end.  Some of our favorite moments from this week included going to the beach (a favorite of ours all year long!), sledding without having to wear all of our snow gear (just snow pants, boots and mittens) and going on long walks to spot signs of spring (we saw our first robin today).  This weather has left us all longing for spring to come and stay.  As a result of some spring fever, I have fallen very behind with my blogging.  I will get back to posting regularly soon - I promise!


  1. This picture and posting give us all hope for sun, warmth, and outdoor activities. Lovely to see, to keep in our mind's eye, and to hold in our heart. Thank you!

    Loving you,

  2. Oh, Rebecca, who wouldn't want to enjoy this warmer weather and time of year! How perfect it is for you and the kiddos to enjoy snow and sledding one minute and then that sandy beach the next. I can smell that delicious fragrant salt air all the way here in my chair. How wonderful it is to see our Jack, Eve, and Grace out in the air taking all of it in. What a family!

    Enjoy each and every moment together in the great state of Maine. Hug those beach babies for us!
    Love, Mom
