Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year


  1. Dearest Rebecca:
    Great visual representation of 2011 ebbing away and 2012 getting ready to take over.
    You have your mother's eye for imagery!
    Love to all the Legers and a wish for a wonderful 2012.

  2. a whole new year ahead,December 31, 2011 at 1:53 PM

    This photo is exactly how I am feeling. So many beautiful things happened in 2011, the most spectacular being Eve's birth in January and countless wonderful memories of Jack and Grace. There were many sad times that will change my life forever. I'm ready for a brand new year and the secret promises I've made to myself.

    Here is to a year full of happiness, peace, health, joys, and love. I'm more than ready to make more amazing memories with our three little enchanting ones!

  3. Happy, blessed, joyous New Year!
    We love, love, love you.

    Memere and Pepere
