Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wednesday in Vermont: Ballet

One of Maddy and Poppy's neighbors is a professional ballerina. Her name is Barbara and she has danced in New York City and Boston! Grace was invited to one of Barbara's ballet classes while we were in Middlebury last week. Grace was so excited to attend the class. I love this picture of Gracie girl ~ she stood perfectly still for a long time as she watched the ballerinas practice.

Eve came to watch the ballet class too. She stood on Maddy's lap during the class. Eve let out many loud and happy squeals to express how much she loved watching the class too!

Grace was delighted to stand at the barre!

Grace can't wait to start dancing again in September. Grace has decided to join the Maine State Ballet this fall!

Grace loves to dance and she is such a graceful dancer. I will be posting her dance recital pictures soon - I am still a bit behind with my posting.

Eve and I waited for Grace and Maddy in a warm-up room just outside of the dance room towards the end of class. Eve was very excited to watch the ballet class and her squeals kept getting louder & louder so I took her to the adjacent room where she could let out all of her excitement!! Thank you so much to Maddy for making Eve's adorable strawberry outfit.

1 comment:

  1. "Two Left Feet" PoppyJuly 26, 2011 at 9:45 AM

    Great pictures of some future ballerinas! Grace is such a natural dancer and you can see the excitement in Eve's eyes.

    Jack stayed home with me that afternoon. For about 10 minutes after Grace, Eve, Mab, and Rebecca left, Jack let the whole neighborhood know he wasn't pleased. But then we built towers with wood blocks & knocked them down and later drew pictures for everyone. So while the "girls" danced, the "boys" had their own fun.
