Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our Morning At Home

I have mentioned several time before that Jack always keeps us laughing and this morning was no exception! Once we returned home from bringing Grace to camp, Jack was excited to make three volcanoes for himself, Grace and Eve by using paper mache on three glass jars. We are planning on having some big eruptions at our house tomorrow! Once Jack was done with the paper mache of the volcanoes he turned to me and asked, "Can I paper mache myself?" :)

So....naturally Jack proceeded to paper mache himself, of course!

Jack thought using a paint brush was taking too long so he went foot first into the bowl of the paper mache mixture!

A paper mached Jack-a-roo!

Eve enjoyed playing with our butterfly sensory bin this morning while Grace was at camp. Eve helped make this bin several weeks ago by coloring butterfly shaped pasta! Eve thought it was fun to scoop up the butterflies and pour them out. By the time Eve was finished playing she was surrounded by beautiful butterflies!!!

Eve did a great job picking up one butterfly at a time to examine it. Eve amazes me with her fine motor/hand skills.

One of my favorite things to do with my children is to go on nature walks. Jack, Eve and I went on a walk around our home today to pick wildflowers. We placed our flowers in a glass jar and enjoyed them all day long outside on our picnic table.

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