Thursday, June 30, 2011

Broadturn Farm Camp Day Four

Every morning at Broadturn Farm camp begins with a circle time outside. Grace told me that part of circle time involves singing good morning to all of the animals on the farm! You can see Grace in the picture above. She is the last child on the left wearing the white shirt and white hat.

Here is Grace looking at the flowers in the field this morning. I love how pasty white she is -- I'm a huge proponent of sunscreen!

Jack stood perfectly still in this position for a very long time. He was watching a tractor busy at work in the field.

Grace spotted a beautiful blue bird on top of this birdhouse as we drove into the farm. She asked that I take a picture of it.

This old barn is beautiful. Jack loved checking out all of the farm machinery inside.

Here are the campers t-shirts that they will be wearing tomorrow for their guided farm tours. We can't wait to see Grace wearing hers!

Grace performed a quick dance for us just before we said our goodbyes. I simply love, love, love how much Grace has enjoyed everything at camp this week. This experience will stay with her for a lifetime.

On our way out, Jack spotted a different bird on top of the birdhouse at the farm and he asked me to take a picture of it!


  1. Man, I wish I could go to camp there too!! It looks simply wonderful! Please tell Grace and Jack thank you from me for getting a picture of those 2 LOVELY birds! That Blue one is beautiful! I wish he would fly down here and eat our bird food ;)



  2. loving that::

    ~ circle of children
    ~ photo in the barn of the children's shirts
    ~ Jack in his bandana pants!
    ~ you always use sunscreen
    ~ Grace's dancing (always!)
    ~ Grace + Jack can spot birds from anywhere
    ~ solitude image of Jack
    ~ solitude image of Grace
    ~ I can only imagine what they were both thinking

    Loving everything about this, Maddy
