Friday, May 20, 2011

A Fun Fine Motor Activity

Jack loves fine motor activities. Jack has been enjoying playing with marbles recently so I thought it would be fun to provide him with a fun fine motor activity using marbles and materials we had on hand. I gave Jack a piece of styrofoam and some of Bob's golf tees. Jack pushed the golf tees into the styrofoam and then balanced the marbles on top of the tees.

Jack loved this activity and he did such a great job balancing all of the marbles. Once Jack was finished he asked me to balance the marbles. It was quite challenging!

Each time a marble fell off a golf tee Jack covered his mouth with his hands and with a little giggle would said, "OH MY GOODNESS!"


  1. That Jack is the cutest- most cutest boy!
    We could just squeeze him up, again and again.

    Love (and love again) this tremendous activity, Rebecca!
    It makes me want to run right out and find some styrofoam. I am feeling the need for some good balance right about now.

    That photo of our Jack with his hands covering his mouth is picture-perfect, indeed. You captured him to a tee!

    Loving our Jack Hammer more than ever,

  2. Amazing Jack! Such glee and self satisfaction, rightly deserved.

    That was a clever idea,Rebecca. It worked very well for Jack and ended with a piece of art work. Probably even better than you expected, what with Jack's delight, industriousness, and then turning the challenge over to you.
    Great activity!

