Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I am still working on the blogging picture problem. I really hope to be back tomorrow or Friday with pictures!!!


  1. Isn't your current husband supposed to be some sort of an amateur IT geek?

  2. I know, Anonymous, I'm thinking that exact same thing!

    Our Bob is the best problem solver around...not only where it comes to computers but in all matters of life. So, all of us out here are counting on Bob to allow pictures of Grace, Jack, and Eve to be viewed again real soon. Come on, Bob, you can fix this. We're all cheering for you from our little computer corners of the world!

    I Love You, Bob!
    Mary Ann

  3. Hip, hip hooray for Bob. He fixed my blogging problem tonight. I'll be sure to post pictures tomorrow!


  4. Get those Beautiful Grands to sleep, eat a healthy dinner, and the get really busy with some updates....we can't wait much longer!!
