Friday, February 18, 2011

Hand Delivering Special Valentines at Daddy's Work...

Every year we visit Daddy at his work place on Valentine's day to hand out our homemade Valentines to everyone there! This year Grace, Jack & Baby Eve gave everyone at Daddy's work strawberry tea bags with their special watercolor heart shaped tags (as seen in the previous post). It was such a joy for me to watch my three children bring smiles to so many people.


  1. Love it! Love it!

    What a day this was for Bob and the folks at work! The pictures make us smile. The looks and smiles on the faces of those people are priceless. I'm willing to bet that the Credit Union came to a standstill when your three children arrived.

    Hi, Bob, it's so nice to see you! We miss you! Can we pretty please, see Rebecca? We miss her so so much.

    Poppy and I are giggling about that last photo! That nice man doesn't quite know it but it looks like Grace is eyeing his position for her future! It's so precious. Poppy {as you can imagine!} has all kinds of funny comments about it!

    Love to all of you in Maine,
    Maddy & Poppy

  2. Everybody's face lights up; you can see the glee and joy on their faces. Grace, Jack, and Eve are little ambassadors of love.

