Friday, December 10, 2010

A Christmas Science Experiment

Today we used water, borax, pipe cleaners, glass jars, string, sticks and food coloring to conduct a Christmas decoration science experiment. The experiment/decorations will take a few days so we'll be sure to post pictures of the finished project on Monday. Have a great weekend!


  1. I can't wait to see! I love it when you do Science experiments. I'm certain that there is lots and lots of talking going on as you watch the changes occur!

    Have a terrific weekend. We're in for freezing rain and snow. When we checked the weather in Scarborough for tomorrow it said--ice pellets! Better get the Science, Art, Cooking, and Reading materials out for a day indoors! Let us know how big the pellets are!

    I *love* those scientists more than the University of Vermont's huge Science Labs!

  2. Sounds like so much fun! The anticipation feeds into the season.

