Thursday, October 7, 2010

Site Words

Here are some pictures of Grace this week reading her site words. I am typically not a big proponent of flash card style learning but Grace really loves having her site words organized neatly on a ring. Grace has full access to her ring of site words and I find her reading them on her own several times each day. Grace is truly a gifted reader. She learned to read at a very early age so I thought it would be important for her to also learn site words after learning to read phonetically. Grace amazes me each day with her love of learning and her ability to learn so very quickly. Grace can see a site word just one time and remember it and recall it in books....our Amazing Grace!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Rebecca,
    This brings back such sweet memories for me. When you were about 4 years old, I would cut empty cereal boxes into rectangular cards and write words on the back and punch a hole in a corner and put them on a ring [just like Grace's!]. You loved reading them and I believe that we had almost 200 words at one point on a huge ring! Do you remember?

    Grace is so much like you, Rebecca! She has that 'love of learning' that cannot be taught. It's just there! And, oh, how wonderful it is!

    I am so proud and so happy that Grace is such a learner! I am so proud that you are her Mama, Rebecca!
    Love, Mom
