Thursday, September 16, 2010

Early Signs of Autumn...

We went on a long nature walk today to observe the early signs nature is presenting to indicate that autumn is very near. We brought a bin with us in order to collect a variety of these early autumn items. Here are some of the items we put into our autumn box: leaves that have changed color, acorns, fallen pine cones, bittersweet berries that have begun to turn a subtle shade of orange and dried leaves, ferns & flowers.

Here is our autumn in a box - a great learning tool and sensory activity!


  1. Leave it to Grace to find the one brilliant leaf in your neighborhood, as ONLY she could!
    I remember how much enjoyment those bittersweet bushes provided you last Fall. Now, that Jack is an entire year older he must be wanting to go there all the time---I can just hear him saying, 'Let's go see bittersweet' in that sweet voice!

    I love the way you showed us all the treasures in your box. I can see you in your new big home having a seasonal table with all of Jack's + Grace's + your new girl's discoveries. Your family is the very best!
    Love, Maddy

  2. Rebecca, it is heartwarming to see how you have taught Grace and Jack to be engaged with nature, to see its beauty and diversity, to appreciate its offerings, to be awed by its complexity and simplicity. You are teaching me as well. Thank you!

    Love to each of you,
