Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grace's Picture Appears In The Addison Independent Newspaper!


  1. bigger than punch!,July 31, 2010 at 5:56 AM

    Can you even imagine how many folks are talking to us about Grace in this small town of ours !?!

    People are wondering if she is returning next Summer for a repeat performance and even suggesting songs!

    We are prouder than punch at this photo in our newspaper!

    Hope your weekend is full of all the magic that Jack & Grace spread where ever they go!
    Love, Maddy

  2. Maddy & I have achieved some celebrity in Middlebury. We are now known as Grace's grandparents.
    Love, Poppy

  3. Too cute. Mike and I just got back from induction weekend in Cooperstown. Had a terrific time. We were thinking that the new england deverells and Legers could join us there next summer for induction weekend. You kids would love it. I am talking my crew into coming. Let me know what you guys think. It is July 24, 2011.All the kids would have a blast. Plus we all could be together. Let me know.a
