Friday, June 4, 2010

Scenes From Grace's Dance Recital


  1. has it been only a week today!?,June 5, 2010 at 6:45 AM

    The sweetest memories that these pictures provide just exactly one week later! Rebecca, I love the backstage moments that we didn't see. I'm glad that you were a *backstage Mom* to capture them.

    To reiterate the comment that we heard after the recital....."there is safety in numbers-all the other performances included many dancers but this little group had only three-what a great job!"

    Has the purple costume become part of your dress-up box or did you tuck it away for future years?

    Just the cutest pictures ever. Love those dancing feet and legs and that spirit of confidence! It's contagious!
    Love, Maddy

    PS- Did anyone snap a picture of the most attentive member of the audience that day amongst hundreds of people!?! Our Jack-be-Nimble was a perfect viewer!!

  2. Our hearts soar yet again as we revisit this incredibly joyous day
    through these pictures.
    Grace, you are so beautiful and it was such a pleasure seeing you perform. Fun, fun, fun! You can do it again for us any time you want; it will always be WONDERFUL.

    Lots of love to the Star, to Jack, and to Mommy and Daddy,
    Memere and Pepere
