Sunday, June 27, 2010

Getting Every Last Bite!

Jack-a-roo had his 18 month old wellness visit earlier this month with his pediatrician. We've got one healthy boy on our hands! Here are his stats:

Height: 33 1/2 inches (85th percentile)
Weight: 29 pounds, 8 ounces (89th percentile)
Head circumference: 20 1/4 inches (100th percentile) :)


  1. i could squeeze him up!,June 28, 2010 at 7:04 AM

    I LOVE this image! What is cuter than a baby sitting outdoors on a June Sunday morning enjoy his oatmeal to the last teeny tiny bite! I could just eat our Jack Pie right up myself!
    I Love You, Jack, Maddy

    PS~ so love his head circumference and the fact that he is almost wearing adult-sized hats!

  2. Get it all!!! You go, boy.
    Love, Poppy
