Friday, April 16, 2010

Learning Letters

What can you do with all of those leftover plastic Easter eggs? Turn them into a fun letter learning game, of course!!!

I wrote individual letters of Jack's name on the eggs - the uppercase letter on one half of the egg and the corresponding lowercase letter on the other half. Jack loves his bowl of eggs. He has learned to identify the letters in his name this way and he loves to match the upper- and lowercase letters too. Yeah, Jack!


  1. Jack is just as cute as can be!.April 16, 2010 at 6:44 PM

    Jack is just so super cute!
    Jack is such a learner.
    I miss all the fun I have with him.
    We need a visit soon.
    Love, Maddy

  2. WHERE do you come up with this stuff? Egg-cellent idea. =) Totally stealing it for Ben!
