Saturday, April 3, 2010

Higgins Beach

After Maddy left on Thursday we went to music group and then spent the remainder of our day at Higgins Beach. Jack, Grace, and I enjoyed the warm sunshine - something we had not seen in days!! One of Grace and Jack's favorite places to be is at the beach. They both find great joy in simple things such as finding clam shells to dig in the sand, filling shoes and pockets with sand, watching surfers ride the waves, climbing on rocks, searching for seaweed, and waving hello to fellow beach goers.

1 comment:

  1. nothing better than the beach!,April 5, 2010 at 5:47 AM

    Nothing like a day at the beach after a huge rainy spell to get things up and going again!

    I adore all of these beautiful pictures of your beach time. Oh, the sand and waves and sea breezes, and the clam shells and the pebbles and the smells. No wonder Jack and Grace have the hugest smiles. They are enjoying Maine to it's fullest. I love how Grace shed her rain boots and how Jack cannot get enough of all that wet sand.

    So glad that the rain stopped when I left so that you could get outdoors again.
    Missing all of you tons and tons,
    Love, Maddy
