Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

Earth Day - it was such a special day for us. We did lots of talking about what we can do to help make our world a greener place. Grace and Jack also created two very special Earth Day projects earlier this week. I'll share pictures of those projects tomorrow but for today here are a few pictures of how we spent most of our Earth Day ~ outside enjoying and really appreciating how very beautiful our world is.

1 comment:

  1. nothing like a boy!,April 23, 2010 at 3:43 PM

    Oh, my goodness gracious, Jack is such-such a little boy in these photos. I adore the way a stick can bring so much pleasure to the heart of a boy (or girl or a grown Maddy or a grown Poppy!!)!
    I think that these photos should be in "Field and Stream" magazine! The cover would be perfect!!
    How Much I am Loving having a little outdoorsman in our family. Jack just so darn cute we can hardly stand it!
    Love to Our Jack,
