Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Celebrating & Appreciating Diversity

One of Martin Luther King Jr.'s greatest achievements was his ability to help Americans appreciate diversity. We celebrated Dr. King's birthday last week by talking about and reading a variety of books about diversity. Grace and Jack also painted their hands to make a picture that represented the various skin tones found across our nation. Their pictures represent how Dr. King joined hands with people of all colors when he marched for freedom.

It is very important for me to raise Grace and Jack to celebrate diversity, to respect and value all people and be to proud of themselves. As our nation grows increasingly diverse, there has never been a better opportunity for us to learn to live respectfully together and to benefit from one another's wisdom and experiences. This is an extremely important lesson that we addressed last week but it is a lifelong lesson that I try to infuse into Grace and Jack's life each and every day.


  1. My Maddy heart just grew a whole lot larger.
    Beautiful photos, beautiful children, beautiful lessons, beautiful family....this is what makes our whole world beautiful.

  2. the magic continues at the legers household.

    beautiful pictures - great lessons.

    love and hugs, elsie

  3. What a contribution to our country and to the world-wide community!
    Peace will come to us when we live what you are teaching Grace and Jack. They are our hope, and they are off to an excellent start.

