Friday, November 6, 2009

Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

Every day during Jack's morning nap time Grace and I share what we call our "special girl book time." This consists of snuggling together, usually with two cups of peach tea, and reading lots of books. At the end of our book time Grace looks forward to using her dry erase board for the "word of the day" and to learn more about numbers, specifically how to add two numbers together. First, I write a new word on Grace's dry erase board. Grace sounds out the new word and then she proudly reads it to me with great enthusiasm. Next, Grace writes the word by connecting dots together to form the letters. Finally, we turn the dry erase board over and Grace solves a simple addition equation. Grace is now able to read addition math equations (e.g., "two plus one equals three") written both vertically and horizontally. Grace has always had a strong love of learning and her favorite things to learn now are how to read, write, and all about number concepts.


  1. Rebecca, you are such a great teacher! You find so many ways to incorporate new information into the world of your children. When you present it, you do so with such enthusiasm and interest, that they have love learning.

    Grace, you are such a great learner! Look at you with your white board doing letters and numbers and reading books while Jack sleeps!!! I bet that you and Mommy hope that he takes a long nap.


  2. Wow, you know how to make Grandmothers hearts grow! Memere and I are thrilled to see this love of learning.

    I loved reading all about 'special girl book time' and your amazing work on the dry erase board. I love Grace's love of learning. I love Grace's reading, writing and math work.
    I Love Grace!
    Your Maddy
