Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's Jack!

We ended our fun-filled Halloween day outside on our deck to light Grace's handmade pumpkin candle holders and our jack-o'-lantern. It was a big Halloween treat for Grace and Jack to stay up just a little past their bedtime to see their pumpkins all aglow. We carved a very big smile on our jack-o'-lantern pumpkin and added four teeth on the top and three teeth on the bottom --- just like our Jack!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the Halloween fun,November 1, 2009 at 6:48 AM

    What a perfect ending to your Halloween activities. I had the best time following along (wish I could have been there instead) with you as you celebrated Halloween. Can't wait to see what you are up to next! Thank You for all of the sharing fun.
    Love, Maddy
