Friday, October 9, 2009

Pine Cone Wreath

We collected pine cones this morning because the theme of the day at our home was celebrating autumn using pine cones! Grace decided to make a wreath with her collection of pine cones. She glued pine cones onto a piece of cardboard that we cut out into the shape of a circle. Grace also added several fall leaves to her wreath and we added a small bow that we made by cutting up a paper bag into thin strips.

1 comment:

  1. you could sell these at craft fairs!,October 10, 2009 at 7:17 AM

    I Love the wreath!
    What a super-duper idea! There is no end to the wonderful ideas that you come up with, Rebecca!
    This wreath will be such a nice Autumn decoration for your cozy log home. What could be better than a warm home full of love and creativity.
    Have a delicious weekend.
    I Love You, Grace,

    PS~Poppy said to tell you that he loves your hair, Grace!
