Monday, August 10, 2009

Beach Baby

We have had a cool summer so far with temperatures struggling to reach 80 degrees most days. We finally had a hot summer day today -- it was nearly 90 degrees! We spent most of our day at the lake. Jack couldn't get enough of the cool lake water and he absolutely loved floating along the shoreline. Jack also loves playing with the sand. Jack is definitely a beach baby and what a cute one he is!!!


  1. so cute, Rebecca! ,August 11, 2009 at 9:01 AM

    What a moment you captured, Rebecca! Jack appears to be having the time-of-his-little-life! I love that floaty. How wonderful for you to have the lake and two outdoor children to enjoy all that your neighborhood has to offer.

    I remember when you and Adam and I spent so many summer days at the lake just like this. Remember? Does your lake have "seaweed"? If it does, I'm sure that your children love it!!

    Enjoy these days with Grace & Jack.
    Love, Mom

  2. Jack, you know a good thing when you find it. Float, float, float.
    You are the most handsome floater ever.
    Love you, Memere
