Monday, June 15, 2009

Six Months Old!

Our beautiful, happy boy is six months old today. Here is an update all about Jack:
  • Jack can sit on his own for several minutes. Jack's favorite time to sit is while playing with blocks and outside on the grass.
  • Jack can stand on his own by holding on to furniture. Jack is very motivated to try to take steps to walk (oh my!).
  • Jack is rolling all over! Jack rolls from one end of our living room to the other when he sees a favorite toy across the room.
  • Jack is such a sweet boy and he is quite the little charmer! Jack smiles all the time and he loves to giggle at silly things.
  • Jack LOVES to eat. Jack happily eats anything I give him but his favorite foods seem to be avocados, peas, sweet potatoes, mangoes, and bananas.
  • Jack is now rolling over to sleep on his left side in his crib.
  • Jack has two teeth (bottom two incisors).
  • Jack loves making sounds. His favorite conversational partner is Grace. Jack loves "talking" to his big sister. Jack is now babbling and I love this SO much!
  • Jack loves books. Jack's favorite book is, "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb" by Al Perkins.
  • Jack amazes me with his ability to reach and use his hands. Jack's reach is always accurate.
  • Jack continues to display a very clear preference for favorite songs.
  • Jack is such a big boy! Hooray - there is so much baby for me to love. We think Jack is around 22 pounds. Jack's six month wellness visit is scheduled for the beginning of July so we'll know his exact weight and length then.
  • Jack loves sign language. He understands the signs for more, all done, eat, and up. I think he also understands several animal signs including: cow, horse, pig, cat, and dog.
  • Jack has become very attached to his monkey. Jack always cuddles with monkey when he sleeps. Jack loves chewing on monkey's tail too!
  • Jack has several names including: Jack-a-roo, Hammer (jack hammer) and Big Man!
  • Jack's favorite things: blocks, books, Grace, bubbles, fans, snowflakes (I'll explain this in a future post!), being outside, going for walks, music group, pat-a-cake, balls, play silks, peek-a-boo, mirrors, music, dancing, Mommy, animals, Petey (our cat), and finger painting.


  1. Happy Six Month Birthday, Jack! Blessings to you, endless smiles and giggles, minimal discomfort teething, lots of silly conversations with whoever is around, tons of hugs and cuddles, happy times everywhere and always, and every other best wish there is.
    You are incredibly handsome and winsome. You are growing faster and faster, doing more and more.
    Every day, you have another surprise for us.
    Love to you in all shapes and sizes always,
    Memere and Pepere

  2. 6th month love and more love!June 16, 2009 at 9:33 AM

    Dearest Sweetest Jack,
    How quickly the past six months went by! Poppy and I read the list Mommy wrote over and over and smiled and talked about each thing over and over again. We can't get enough of your baby-boy-sweet-love.

    You are so, so beautiful. And, that little spike on your soft hair is the cutest thing ever! And, those eyes of yours....

    See you very soon ~ and we just cannot wait. Get ready for lots of kisses and hugs and some squeezes!

    Oh, how very much we LOVE, you, Jack. Happy 6th Month Birthday.
    Maddy & Poppy

  3. Rebecca's Mom just had to say!June 17, 2009 at 7:51 AM

    I can't help but notice that something is missing under the list of Jack's favorite things!
    Rebecca, did you take away Bob's words about a "wonderfully beautiful Mommy"!?!?
    Why did is so TRUE!!!
    :) You will have to tell me the story!
    I Love You, Rebecca (it is so true!)
