Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Loving The Great Outdoors

Jack loves being outside. The picture of Jack seen above was taken yesterday at the park. It was so special for me to watch Jack laying on the blanket while wiggling and giggling as he watched the leaves blow above him on the large oak tree. Jack always lights up the moment we step through the door to go outside. Every morning Jack, Grace, and I go on a nature walk together. We have been enjoying every moment of the warmer spring weather since winter here lasts so long. Jack loves touching leaves and pine needles, feeling the wind blow against him, listening to the birds, watching the waves on the lake, and standing in the cool grass. I hope to fill the remainder of our springtime and the upcoming summer months with many, many outdoor adventures for Jack and Grace.


  1. so loving all of Jack's moments!June 3, 2009 at 6:11 PM

    Jack is soooo adorably cute and so sweet and so tremendous and so delightful!

    I cannot even believe that there was a time that Jack wasn't in our lives! I am just bubbling over with joy every second to see what our Baby Jack is up to next. I am soooo missing all of his baby ways. He is getting to be so big and grown up waaaay toooo soooon!! Stop the clock!

    What outdoor children you have. Just the way it should be for children--experiencing all that life and childhood has to offer. Oh, how I would love to look at this Summer-World through the eyes of Jack & Grace. I'm trying real hard! All of these special moments that you share have me really thinking....

    Love to You, Baby Jack every single moment,
    How I Love You So ~ Your Maddy, xo

  2. just had to add this!June 3, 2009 at 6:16 PM

    Forgot to say, how very much Jack looks just like his Daddy! He is just like a "little Bobby"!

    And, I forgot to say how much I Love little boys that look just like their Daddy!

    With a Heart Full of Love for the Boys!
    Mary Ann/Maddy
