Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hand Trees!

Grace's hand trees
Jack's hand trees
Grace and Jack made these beautiful four season trees this morning by painting their hands and forearms using brown paint. Their forearms represents tree trunks and their hands represents branches. Once the trees dried Grace and Jack painted their fingers to make leaves -- green leaves on their summer trees, yellow, red, orange, and brown leaves on their autumn trees, and pink and white paint for the blossoms on their spring trees!


  1. The trees are lovely! Art work ready to frame. What a fun, meaningful, and personal way to explain the seasons!
    Grace and Jack, you are terrific painters!
    Love you, XOXOXO,

  2. I LOVE this project!
    Memere is so right, this is a terrific way to understand the seasons.
    Love Jack's baby wrists!!
    Love Grace's attention to details!!
    Sooooooooo Missing Grace & Jack...I can never-ever-ever get enough!
    Love, Maddy

  3. it's been way too long since my last entry to your beautiful blog. sorry about that ;-)

    rebecca, i continue to be totally amazed by all the creative activities you do with grace and jack. i absolutely love "hand trees!"

    rebecca and bob, you have such beautiful children and ever so loving and smart.

    i know i have mentioned this before, but you really need to write a book of all those great ideas of yours.

    always a joy to visit your blog..thank you for sharing.

    much love, elsie
