Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Today I celebrate the greatest joys in my life ~ Grace & Jack. My beautiful children bring me such indescribable happiness. Today I celebrate my Mom. My Mom is the best and most beautiful person I know. All that I am and all that I hope to be I owe to her. One of my greatest wishes in life is to be the kind of mother to Grace and Jack as she is to me. Today I celebrate Annette, my mother-in-law. Through her kind and loving ways, Annette raised Bob into such a wonderful person, husband, and father. Happy Mother's Day to all Mom's today ~ we have the best job in the whole world!


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Rebecca! You
    are a fantastic mother, love galore, attentive, present to them at all times, nurturing, experiential builder, fanner of the flame for learning, and much more. May this day be extra joyous for you.
    Now we know what your special dandelion project was!. The pictures and the medallions are super special. There was so much planning, time, effort, and detail
    in these projects and I don't know how you did it all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  2. filled with so much love ~May 10, 2009 at 9:35 AM

    Happy Mother's Day to you, Rebecca!

    Just like Memere, I am so thrilled and so taken with my beautiful gifts. The amazing picture will grace our home with the presence of Jack and Grace. The pendents from the children's art work are a treasure beyond words. How can I ever take it off!?!

    I am full of Mom and Maddy Love today! I am so proud of the Mama that you are to your beautiful babies. I learn more and more about love and the joys of life every day from you. Thank You, Rebecca for being my daughter. You and Adam have made me the person that I am today.

    Breath in the joys of Motherhood today as your husband and children surround you with their love. Thank you again and again and over and over for all that you do.
    I Love You,
