Monday, April 6, 2009

Opening Day

We went to see Daddy at work today to celebrate Opening Day for the Red Sox. Every year Daddy organizes a Red Sox party at his work on Opening Day. Unfortunately, the first game of the season was rained out but Jack brightened up this rainy day with his Red Sox shirt and his smiles!


  1. There were a lot of unhappy Red Sox fans today, but Jack doesn't look like the disappointing news dampened his spirits for too long.
    And how could anyone have a sad face when they look at this handsome little guy.
    Rob, sorry that your plans had a detour. I hope that you have cause for rejoicing tomorrow.
    Rebecca, your visit with the children was most likely appreciated even more due to the unfortunate turn of events.
    Love to each of you,

  2. Such a beautiful boy -April 7, 2009 at 6:25 AM

    Oh, my gosh! Jack is just beautiful! Couldn't you just squeeze him up? I don't know how you ever even let him sleep, Rebecca!! I am going to enjoy every minute when we visit. I can't wait for baby-love!
    xo, Maddy

  3. Go Red Sox! How could it not be a winning season with this cute, new fan!
    Donna xo
