Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our Homemade Wishing Well!

This is our little wishing well, a jar filled with blue magical water, next to a bowl full of pennies. Grace loves to make a few wishes for herself and Jack every day. If you are ever visiting make sure to make a wish too! :)


  1. What a super idea! It's like having your own magic genie. That jar is going to fill quickly.
    And I like the idea of having guests make a wish too. There are a lot of aspects to this idea.
    Have fun and may your wishes come true, Grace.

  2. Rebecca, you will need to share with us some of Grace's wishes! I am thinking of some great ones that I'll make on our next visit. My very first one will be for Jack and Grace to always have blue skies ~ just like the magical water in the wishing well!
    Love this concept, Dearest Rebecca.
    Love, Mom
