Friday, March 13, 2009

On The Road To Recovery!

8:15 a.m. Daddy's doctor appointment ---->
Sinus infection

10:45 a.m. Grace & Jack's doctor appointments ---->
Grace - ear infection
Jack - a cold

2:00 p.m. Mommy's doctor appointment ---->
Strep throat


  1. How incredibly sad for such a nice family. You all need to take the very best care of each other this weekend. If, sending my best loving thoughts help, well, they are going to you all weekend long....
    I Love Each of You,
    Mom/Mary Ann/Maddy

  2. Feel better Leger gang!
    Love, Adam

  3. You need Spring to come, and warm weather. Soon! In the meantime, I hope the healing fairy comes to your house and spreads a thick coating of wellness.
    With love and commiseration and wishes for healthier days ahead,
