Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jingle Bells!

I have two large bins filled with a variety of musical instruments. I took the bins out yesterday so Jack could listen to each one using his ears, touch each one using his hands, and see them using his eyes ~ a full sensory experience. Jack enjoyed all of the instruments but he was definitely most fascinated with the bells. Shortly after Jack woke up this morning I hung a small and large bell from his play mat so he could make them ring using his hands and feet. Jack LOVED the bells hanging and he did such a great job making them ring. In the picture above, Jack's hands were moving so quickly they are a blur!

1 comment:

  1. Jack will be so musical just like Grace. Rebecca, I love the way you have introduced your children to music since birth. A bell ringing is such a beautiful sound and Jack looks super-duper excited by hearing it!
    Love to Jack and all his special little sounds,
