Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Measuring

When we woke up this morning we checked the weather and discovered that we would be having a day of heavy snow. I decided that it would be fun for Maddy, Uncle Adam, Grace, Jack, and I to estimate what we thought would be the total snow fall shortly before Grace's dinner time at four o'clock. I taped a long piece of paper up on our door and brought out the yard stick and had each of us make our guess based upon the predicted twenty inches of snow. We drew a line at the place that we each thought would be the total amount of snow at four o'clock. Our estimates ranged from Jack at 6 3/4 inches to Grace at 19 inches.

At four o'clock Uncle Adam and Grace stepped out onto our deck to measure the total amount of snowfall. It was totally AMAZING that Baby Jack estimated exactly the correct amount!!! Jack is truly an incredible baby. :)

After a few nice sunny days last week Grace began talking and thinking about Spring. Grace is now convinced that Spring won't come for quite awhile after today's snow storm but her picture is a sweet reminder of what is to come.

1 comment:

  1. Grace was nice enough and I was fortunate enough to receive a spring flower picture from Grace. What a helpful reminder that warm weather is around the corner. She does such creative and original works of art. What fun we had in watching the blanket of snow outside the cabin window grow with each falling snowflake. Grace did a wonderful job in measuring the snow depth for the contest. Everyone had good guesses, but baby Jack came in first!
    Love, Uncle Adam
