Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Feeling & Seeing

Jack loves the feel of his satin blanket. He especially enjoys kicking his feet to move his body forward along the slippery surface. This morning Jack had fun on his blanket while looking at a book called Black & White by Tana Hoban. This is a perfect book for babies that opens accordion style and encourages early visual activity & object recognition.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Jack-a-roo!

    What a big boy! I love the way you are looking at your book. There are so many books for you to enjoy. Your sister will help to fill up your little world with them. This is just the beginning down the path of books for you. Enjoy them all and the places that they will take you. You look extra-extra cute in your new pajamas!
    I Love You, Jack,
