Monday, December 15, 2008

"I'm Here!"


  1. A funny little side comment about baby Jack's arrival that happened to me. During my work shift at my job in Vermont my father phoned me to tell me the statics on my nephew's weight and length. I was so overcome with joy that descending down the stairs from the second level offices I exclaimed in a loud celebratory volume "IT"S A BOY" to a very crowded sales floor of shoppers and fellow staff members. This was rather funny and unusual to my co-workers (I have a deservedly reserved and quiet reputation) So consequently about half of Burlington knows about baby Jack being born!
    Love, A very exited Uncle Adam

  2. adam, i love the story you just shared. not only does baby jack have an amazing mom, dad, big sister, grandparents...he also has an incredible uncle adam.

    you guys are the best,

    love elsie

  3. What a beautiful Baby Boy!! I have been thinking about you guys ALL Day and was sooooo excited to see the quick posts and find out that all is well and Baby Jack is here and healthy!

    Give All Kisses and Hugs from us,

    Matt and Melissa

  4. What a beautiful picture of a mother and child. Dearest Rebecca, you are a tower of strength and such a wonderful mother, wife, and daughter. We are so proud of you in every way. Grace is having a special time with us. We are constantly amazed by all that she knows and things she tells us. So many times she says, "Grace tell Mommy and Daddy what Maddy did!" She is full of stories to share and they all seem to be about me and not Poppy for some reason! She cannot wait until Jack comes home so that she can "share puzzles and my kitchen set" with him! So cute!
    Love to All, Maddy XOXO

  5. dearest rebecca, bob and baby grace, congratulations on your new addition. We are soo excited for a new nephew and cousin. Baby Jack is so beautiful and much loved. best wishes to you all. Love always Aunt Donna , Uncle Brian and cousins Kevin and Corey

  6. Precious, intimate moment of connection between mother and child. What a precious vision!
    Love you a lot,
    Memere and Pepere

  7. where you come from!

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