Monday, December 1, 2008

Exactly Two More Weeks To Go....

Beautiful Baby Jack!
His estimated weight at this time is 9.0 pounds.

An extra special thank you to Memere who drove all the way to Maine today to be with Grace during my appointments. Thank you, Memere!


  1. He has such a Sweet face. I bet you can't wait to kiss his beautiful cheeks!! So much fun.

    Lots of love,


  2. Jack is beautiful! Those big cheeks are very kissable. I can't wait to be surrounded by grandchildren love! Counting the minutes.....
    Love to All as you wait these last final days,

  3. The anticipation keeps growing and growing. He is already a handsome little guy. When he comes into this world, he will not be wanting for someone to hold him or to love him.
    Rebecca, you have already done a fantastic job nurturing hime.
    Love to those we see and to him that we will soon see,

  4. wow Bob! you guys must be very excited and very ready I'm sure. you guys stopping at 2? If not, I'll have to live vicariously through you.

    Dan (Webb)

  5. See you in these things, I think, I started feeling good!
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