Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Big Sister Grace

On Monday, Grace patiently passed time in the hospital waiting room by reading nursery rhymes while waiting to meet her little brother Jack for the very first time. Maddy & Poppy watched in amazement as Grace read all of the stories to them (she has the book at home and has memorized all of the rhymes). Grace even knows what parts of each story to emphatically emphasize.
Grace was eager to introduce Ella to Jack and to give him a new book on his birthday. This picture shows Grace walking down the hallway of the hospital in her Big Sister shirt just moments before she meets her new little brother!
Grace didn't hesitate at all in introducing herself to baby Jack. She was so excited to see Mommy and to finally meet Jack. Grace greeted them with a loud clear "Hi Mommy!" and "Hi Baby Jack!"

Grace is anxious to start doing big sister things and showing Jack the ropes. Grace has so many wonderful stories to share - The Bear Snores On, Mrs. Wishy Washy's Farm, Baby Bundt, Gossie, Baby Yoga, and many other great books.
Grace wasted no time in expressing her affection for baby Jack. Grace gave Jack a big hug and a big kiss on his cheek.

Rebecca & I are so excited to see the bond between Grace and Jack begin to form. Grace is a caring, loving, beautiful, precious little girl and we are so blessed to add Jack to our family. We can't wait to go home tomorrow and begin our life as a family of four!


  1. Mother nature decided to leave another blanket of snow on the ground today in my hometown. On the snowy walk back to my apartment, my manager gave me an early Christmas present of a day off, I was contemplating just how remarkable of a life Rebecca has lived. I think I have shared this sentiment in the past that there was no sibling rivalry . It was over before it began, my sister excelling at everything life threw at her. My friends in high school always inquired why my sister and I never fought. "She is my best friend" was always the answer. The greatest gift my parents gave to me in my opinion was a companion, supporter and friend that was Rebecca. I am just so pleased that Grace now has someone who will always be there for her, and someone for Jack. The greatest comfort I have known is the knowledge that in my sister there is someone whom has shared the same life experience as I. With a sibling there needs be no explanation or effort-they simply know you. That is the greatness of the bond. So how great it is that Grace and Jack forever will have each other.
    Love, Uncle Adam

  2. Dear Grace,
    You will be the BEST BIG sister! Baby Jack is so lucky to have you to love, support and teach him... The fun has just begun! Oh, the places you two will go...
    Hugs & Kisses from Snowy Vermont,

  3. dear sweet grace, what a darling sweet big sister you are.

    baby jack is a lucky little boy to have you have his little angel.

    love, elsie


  4. Well, Adam's comment verbalizes it all, very eloquently, while the pictures help us to visualize what love is in its pure form.
    Yeah for life and love!

  5. how can you write a so cool blog,i am watting your new post in the future!

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