Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Baby Jack Update

I had my weekly ultrasound today and in the words of the ultrasound technician our Baby Jack is "a big healthy baby." Hooray. A growth analysis was performed and Jack's estimated weight at this time is 8 pounds, 10 much to love already!


  1. We are so full of "baby love"!

    We are so ready to share all of it with Baby Jack!

    Maddy & Poppy

  2. .....oh yes, by the way, we were so excited that we almost forgot to send our Best Love to you, Rebecca. You have been a real trooper (not quite sure, if that's the right word to use at this point!!) and Jack will hear all the stories throughout his life. Your beautiful spirit has shone through. We cannot believe all the activities and things that you are still doing with Grace. It just proves to us that you are truly--the BEST!
    Sending you all of our best love,
    Mom and Dad

    PS~So wishing and hoping that you get some real-good sleep in these last few weeks/days??!!

  3. He is going to be an armful, as you have been saying right along, Rebecca. The techinician's comment appears appropriate, but she forgot to add "and very cute".
    Rebecca, put your feet as many minutes as you can. I wish that it would be longer intervals of rest, but that would be hard for you personally. You are so devoted, conscientious, and loving.
    Still, you could try.
    Love and bitg hugs to each of you,
