Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Penny, Nickel, Dime, & Quarter

Grace loves coins so I thought it would be fun for her to learn the names of them. When Maddy was here last week she glued pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters onto paper strips. Maddy glued two coins of each type onto the paper so Grace could see both sides of the coins. I have only worked with Grace using these coins three or four times since they were made and she can already identify and name all four coins. Grace learns so quickly! I continue to be very proud of all of her accomplishments but mostly for her great love of learning.


  1. Amazing! Grace, you are a whiz!
    Memere and Pepere

  2. Dearest Grace,
    I just knew that you would enjoy the coins on the paper strips. I know that you already know the names and amounts and the heads and tails! You are such a mathematician. Your Mommy is a mathematician just like you. Your Daddy works with numbers all day long as well as Poppy. Don't you just love the way they all works together? Everyday you will discover more and more how all the numbers just build on each other. Now, you know zero, too! Have fun counting and working with numbers and patterns. Poppy loves coins, too.....collecting, examining and saving!
    All of Our Love to You, Grace
    Maddy & Poppy
