Saturday, March 8, 2008

Bird Watching

This picture of Grace was taken this morning as she stood on our couch to watch birds eating from our bird feeders. Grace is now quick to inform us when the birds are there by saying, "tweet, tweet" and "eat." Bird watching has become one of Grace's favorite things! Grace especially loves watching a beautiful woodpecker that arrives every morning.


  1. Dear Grace,

    We are so glad that you are able to watch the beautiful birds from your nicely warm house =) Michaela loves Birds too. I have a "Blue Bird of Happiness" figurine, that Michaela has claimed as her Birdy. She likes to make nests for it out of anything she can find and let it sit there. She also likes to make a bigger nest for her to sit in and pretend that she is a Bird! We hope that you continue to enjoy all the colors, sounds, and movement of the birds.

    Happy Bird Watching,


  2. Dearest Grace,
    I know that you have loved the birds for a long time now. I am so glad that you have a bird feeder outside your window. We have 4 hanging on our tree outside the den window (your room!) and we love watching them, too. So, does Willie. I think that the wood peckers are so beautiful and special to see. Your eyes are so spectular. It's almost spring and then you will be hearing their birdsongs, beautiful girl. I can't wait for that. I can't wait to hear what you have to say about that!
    I Love You Blue-eyed-bluebird!,
    Your Maddy

  3. Such wonder and concentration!
    An appreciation of nature is a gift that makes the world all the more awesome. Enjoy!
    Love you endlessly,
