Thursday, February 21, 2008

Feeling Better!!!

Poor Gracie girl has been sick the past several days with ear infections. Today was the first day since Monday that Grace has started to shown signs of feeling better ~ a tell tale sign is that Grace has started to climb again! She LOVES climbing into her shopping cart and she was back at it again today. Hooray!


  1. Dearest Grace,

    How sad to hear that you were not feeling well this week =( Ear infections cannot be any fun. We are so glad to hear that you are feeling MUCH better and glad to see you back at climbing again.

    Lots of Love, Matt, Melissa, and Michaela

    P.S. Rebecca, We hope you are doing well also...Mommy's never rest well when our little ones our sick. Hopefully, you will get back to "normal" shortly. Love to you also.

  2. Our hearts have been broken. We have been sending you all of our very best love, thoughts and wishes, Grace. We are happy again to see you up and around and playing. I am counting the minutes until Uncle Adam and I come to visit next week. Tick-tock.... Poppy has to stay home and work:( He is very sad that he cannot come, too:( :(
    Dearest Rebecca,
    I know that you are sooo tired. Sitting in your chair holding our Amazing Grace all night and feeling so badly for her is such a sad picture for Dad and me. You are a wonderful Mommy. But, I will let you in on another little Mother secret. All of that worry and concern when your baby is sick or hurting never ever goes away---even when they are all grown up with babies of their own. I have been very worried about you, too.
    Get some rest when Grace takes a nap. Dad and I love you, our Wonderful Mommy!!

  3. Dearest Grace,
    You look like you're feeling better and ready to roll! I hope you have a wonderful visit with your Uncle Adam and Maddy. I can't wait to see the pictures and read about your adventures... Don't get Maddy climbing!
    We love winter vacation!!
    Hugs from Vermont,

  4. YEAH!!! i am glad to hear that you are feelinig better.

    your maddy can't wait to see you all next week. i can only imagine the excitement you will all have being together.

    the miracle of life reveals itself in the tiny expressions of children. sweet grace, your expressions are the sweetest for sure. that's how i feel about my children - they are gifts to us all.

    love elsie

  5. i want to add to the above.... i also feel that way about my grandchildren. they are little treasures.

  6. oops, i forgot to sign the above.

    love, elsie

  7. Grace, you had the best nursing from your Mom and Dad, and lots and lots of healing wishes going your way, and we are thrilled to see that your strength and sparkling personality have returned. Each day that you were sick seemed longer than 24 hours.
    Memere and Pepere
