Friday, December 21, 2007

Sharing is Caring.....Or So We Thought!

We did not post any pictures this week because we all shared a dreadful case of the stomach flu. It began early in the week with Grace, then went to Mommy, and finally finished with Daddy! Although Grace continued to look very pretty through it all, Mommy & Daddy, well, did not! Happily, the worst of it seems to be over. All we need now is a little rest to get ready for Santa (or as Grace says, "ho, ho, ho"). Look for healthy, happy, and pretty pictures this weekend!! :) :) :) :)


  1. Dear Legers,

    I am glad to hear that you three are feeling better. I thought to myself this week, "I hope all is well with the Legers," since there weren't any new posts =) Boy am I glad that it was only a stomach flu. Hopefully, the good in this will be that experiencing this will help build up your resistance to any more yucky bugs to come!! And thank goodness you guys will be healthy and rested for this Merry Christmas season.

    Lots of Love,


  2. Dear Bob, Rebecca and Baby Grace,

    Poppy and I have been very worried and concerned about you ALL week. We always wish that we lived closer but when everyone is sick and you need soup and love and care we feel all those miles more than ever. We are happy that you are all feeling better. Take the best care of each other, Little Leger Family.
    We LOVE You!!
    Maddy and Poppy
