Sunday, October 7, 2007

Ready for Halloween!

We have been waiting for the first cool day of October to debut the absolutely adorable outfit that Maddy sent to Grace. Maddy handmade Grace's candy corn skirt and it is as cute as can be! We think Grace is yummy enough to eat in this outfit!! Thank you so much, Maddy. Grace loves the outfit too ~ she touched the pumpkin on her shirt all day today and each time she did she would say, "puh." She also loves touching the tulle on the bottom of her skirt.


  1. Dearest Grace,
    I had ALMOST as much fun making this skirt for you as you are having wearing it! You are as sweet as candy and as cute as a button! I love to sew for you.
    Look for some new twirly skirts to arrive soon.
    You are a remarkable cutie patootie!
    Love You, Your Maddy
    = :-)

  2. Hey, there sweet little pumpkin.
    You are just as sweet as a pumokin.
    Tell mommy and daddy to give you a big hug and a kiss from me.
    L Love you
    Aunt Judy

  3. Sweet, sweet, sweet. Your Maddy is the best.
    Love you,
